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How Are Inmates Tracked?

How Are Inmates Tracked?

Correctional facilities track inmates using various methods to ensure their safety and monitor their movements within the facilities. The inmate tracking method depends on the type of crime the inmate committed, the security level of the facility, and the resources available to the correctional facility.  

The primary objective of inmate tracking is maintaining order and control within the facility. Besides, it prevents escapes and keeps staff and other inmates in the correctional facility safe. 

Some common methods include RFID Inmate Tracking Software, Mobile Biometrics, and many more. The method for tracking inmates must adhere to legal and ethical standards and regulations. This way, the rights of the individuals monitored are well-protected. 

This blog will explore the different methods used to track inmates. We’ll also look at the benefits of each inmate tracking method. So, without further ado, let’s get right into it! 

What is Mobile Inmate Tracking? 

Correctional facilities use Mobile Inmate Tracking technology to track and monitor the inmates’ movements. It’s most common and widely used in inmate tracking. Besides, it helps locate inmates in real-time using mobile devices. The Mobile Inmate Tracking technology uses GPS and other wireless technologies.  

It monitors the inmate’s movement and transmits this information to a central database. Then, authorized personnel can access this information to track the location and movement of the inmates.  

Some of the benefits of Mobile Inmate Tracking systems to correctional facilities are: 

  • They help increase security 
  • These systems reduce the risk of escapes 
  • They improve operational efficiency 
  • They can also provide valuable data. These data can be used in investigations, court proceedings, and other critical situations. 
  • They have eliminated manual or paper-based logging 
  • The systems have also enhanced communication 
  • They have streamlined processes in correctional facilities and courts 
  • The Mobile Inmate Tracking systems have enhanced security and accountability at all levels. 
  • If family members or friends visit the correctional facility, correctional officers can track and get the inmate fast and efficiently.  

Who is Mobile Inmate Tracking Systems for? 

Law enforcement agencies, correctional facilities, and other organizations that manage and monitor the movements of inmates can use Mobile Inmate Tracking Systems. Any correctional facility that wants to eliminate paper-based or manual systems can use these Mobile Inmate Tracking systems. 

Correctional facilities that use Mobile Tracking systems include all types of prisons, county jails, and juvenile detention centers. Using the Mobile Tracking systems, you can identify- 

  • The inmates (that includes their name, mugshot, housing assignment, and booking number) 
  • The staff member who does the data collection 
  • Date and time 
  • Destination and purpose of movement  

What Methods are used in Mobile Inmate Tracking? 

There are various methods used to track inmates. They include electronic monitoring devices, GPS tracking, and manual head counts. Besides this, there are other more advanced inmate tracking methods used.  

These methods ensure the safety of both inmates and correctional staff. They also maintain the security of correction facilities. Using technology has increased the efficiency of inmate tracking. Here are several methods of tracking inmates. Keep reading! 

  1. Mobile Command RX 

In the United States, Mobile Command RX is the most commonly used Mobile Inmate Tracking system. It’s a GPS-based tracking system that monitors the movement of inmates in a correctional facility.  

Some common features of Mobile Command RX include artificial intelligence, support for facial recognition, and inmate release verification. It also has inmate identification and computer vision.  

Mobile Command RX involves using wearable devices equipped with GPS sensors. These sensors track the location of the inmate in real-time. The device is also connected to a central system supervised by authorities in a correctional facility.  

The location data is transmitted to the system wirelessly. There are alerts set up to notify correctional officers when the device moves outside its designated area or if there is any tampering attempt. 

Correctional facilities use Mobile Command RX to enhance public safety. Besides, it improves their ability to manage and monitor the movement of inmates.  

Mobile Command RX has two crucial features. They are: 

  • Mobile Compliance Monitor (MCM) 

This feature helps identify inmates on special status. It also ensures the correctional staff is alert at all times. Mobile Compliance Monitor also has an early warning that’s configurable. It notifies correctional staff via haptic feedback or audible alerts. This way, there’s discreet monitoring.  

  • Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics 

This feature allows for advanced data analysis and reporting to identify potential issues and reduce incidents within the correctional facility. It also uses machine learning algorithms to predict future incidents and analyze past data.  

It will provide prescriptive recommendations to help prevent and mitigate these incidents, improving overall safety and security within the facility.  

This feature is essential when managing and reducing risk within the correctional facility. Besides, it helps to ensure the well-being of both inmates and correctional staff.  

Benefits of Using Mobile Command RX in Inmate Tracking 

  • Facial recognition backs inmate identification in various use cases. 
  • Mobile Command RX can capture images and videos for digital evidence in a court of law. 
  • It also comes with smart filters which enable you to search for inmates using their names. 
  1. RFID Inmate Tracking Software (InformaTrac) 

One of the most common methods to track inmates in a correctional facility is the RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) Inmate Tracking Software (InformaTrac). The method uses small radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags. 

The tags are fixed to an inmate’s wristband or clothing. The RFID tags monitor their location within the correctional facility in real time. Besides attaching them to the inmate’s clothes and wristbands, the RFID tags can be applied to the identification cards of the inmates and officers.  

The RFID system allows staff to track the inmate’s movement. It reduces the response time in case of emergency and enhances overall safety. InformaTrac also works with existing security systems.  

These security systems include CCTV cameras and access control systems. Together they provide a comprehensive solution for managing the security and movement of inmates in a correctional facility. 

How Does the RFID Inmate Tracking Software Work? 

  • Every inmate in a correctional facility has a wristband-active tag. It has a one-of-a-kind ID. 
  • Every RFID tag has the inmate’s information. It includes the inmate’s name, age, crime committed, sexuality, and the picture. 
  • Each check-in place, gallery, or gate features an RFID reader. When the inmate passes by any of these, the RFID reader records the tag data. It also counterchecks it with the information in its database. 
  • Each monitoring site is authorized to access, but only permitted people may get in. Once allowed to get to the restricted zone, the RFID system activates an alarm. Then, it records the information of unauthorized persons.  
  • The RFID system also features a reader dismantle alarm. Its alarm goes off when an inmate breaks the RFID reader. It’ll also show you where the damage is.  
  • Another crucial feature of the RFID Inmate Tracking Software is the Guard Asking for Help Alarm. The RFID system sounds an alarm when a guard presses the help switch off his RFID tag. By doing this, it shows where the guard is.  

Benefits of RFID Inmate Tracking Software 

  • It uses RFID Antennas, off-the-shelf RFID Readers, and RFID Tags. 
  • There’s complete traceability with the RFID Inmate Tracking Software 
  • Installing it is fast 
  • It can track people and assets 
  • It features Web Reporting (on a secured intranet). It enhances real-time data reporting. 
  1. Mobile Biometrics 

The number of inmates in correctional facilities increases every year. That means inmate authentication and identification must be accurate. That’s where Mobile Biometrics comes into play.  

Correctional facilities must integrate the use of Mobile Biometrics. This way, there won’t be any irregularities and inaccuracies. Mobile Biometrics also change how inmates and correctional officers perform their daily activities. 

These days, correctional facilities have moved away from taking fingerprints using the conventional ink-and-roll 10-car. They’re using Mobile Biometrics to track inmates in correctional facilities.  

Benefits of Using Mobile Biometrics to Track Inmates 

  • They’re convenient and fast, enhancing user experience 
  • Any person cannot steal or fake Mobile Biometrics 
  • Mobile Biometrics cannot be transferred. Everyone has a one-of-a-kind set of Biometrics. 
  • They’re secure and help confirm an inmate’s identity 

Besides Mobile Inmate Tracking methods, there’s a conventional method used to track inmates in a correctional facility. Here it is and how it works. Keep reading! 

  1. A Headcount 

A headcount is the most basic method of tracking inmates in a correctional facility. During a headcount, a physical count of all inmates in the correctional facility at a given time is conducted.  

The headcount ensures the correctional facility has a firm foundation. Besides, it ensures that all inmates are accounted for. The headcount process can be performed manually or through automated systems using barcode scanning.  

It can also be conducted using other technologies. This way, you can confirm the presence of each individual. A headcount provides a basic level of security and accountability. But it may not provide real-time information about the movement or location of inmates within the correctional facility. 

Types of Headcount 

A headcount can be done in two ways (informal and formal). Both methods are effective.  

  • An Informal Headcount – It’s a body count. Officers at a correctional facility carry out routine rounds counting inmates. Conducting an informal headcount is easier than a formal one.  
  • A Formal Headcount – It’s also called a “name and face” count, and it’s more intense. Officers in a correctional facility confirm that every inmate is present and inside their living unit. The headcount is conducted systematically. Each inmate is called by name, and their presence is confirmed. It ensures that all inmates are accounted for. With formal headcounts, correctional officers can identify any issues that may have arisen and take immediate action. The process is critical to the overall security and safety of the correctional facility and its staff. Usually, it’s performed with a high level of attention to detail and accuracy. 

Benefits of a Headcount when Tracking Inmates 

  • Regular headcounts ensure all inmates are accounted for. 
  • It also prevents inmates from escaping or harming the staff or other inmates. 
  • Accurate headcount data helps with planning.  
  • It also helps when allocating resources, such as food, medical care, and housing. 
  • Headcounts ensure proper protocol is followed when handling inmates. 
  • Maintaining accurate headcount records helps track the movement of inmates. It also improves overall record-keeping. This way, correctional officers will always know where an inmate is. 


As mentioned, inmates in correctional facilities are tracked using various methods. It helps ensure the safety of both the public and the inmates. Inmate tracking also allows authorities to monitor their movements and location always.  

Besides, these tracking systems allow for quick response in case of an escape or other emergencies. These days, inmate tracking uses advanced technology and strict protocols.  

With a suitable inmate tracking method, the corrections system is better equipped to manage the movements of inmates and maintain security within the correctional facility.